Bowdoin's Test Center is located on the second floor of H-L Library. The Test Center is available as a resource for all students. It used by students with disability-related testing accommodations and students who need to schedule a make-up exam approved by their professor. There are fifteen carrel spaces in the main testing room. Each carrel is equipped with adjustable lighting, a clock, and scrap paper. Other items such as calculators, notes, and books must be approved by the professor.
There is one private testing space. Priority for this space is given to students who have disability-related technological needs during testing or other needs that may distract others (i.e. the use of Dragon Dictate or a scribe.)
Photo album: The Test Center
When it's not needed for those purposes, other students may be able to use the private testing space.
Space in the test center must be reserved at least one business day in advance (exceptions are made for make-up exams due to unexpected illness.)
The Test Center is typically open for quiet study in the evenings.
Contact your faculty to discuss your test accommodations.
Schedule your test with the Test Center (at least one business day in advance) either by emailing or calling 721-5112. Tests are normally scheduled concurrent with the class’ scheduled test time, with extra time provided either before or after the scheduled time. There are a few exceptions such as make-up tests, students with consecutive classes and extended time, and tests given outside the test center’s normal hours.
Once you have scheduled the test, inform your faculty member of the date and time so they can arrange to have the test delivered to the Test Center.
If you know of upcoming tests, please schedule them in advance.
Discuss with your student their test accommodations.
The student will schedule their test at the Test Center (at least one business day in advance). Expect communication from the student confirming the test date and time.
Download theTest Cover Sheetform and attach it to the front of the test.
Deliver the test with the attached form to the Test Center at least one business day prior to the scheduled test.
Tests will need to be picked up at the Test Center by a faculty or staff member and signed for. Please email or a call ahead to make sure that someone is available to help you when you arrive.
Contact your faculty to discuss your make-up test as soon as you are aware of a conflict/illness.
Schedule your test with the Test Center either by emailing or calling 721-5112.
Once you have scheduled the test, inform your faculty member of the date and time so they can arrange to have the test delivered to the Test Center.
After you have approved a make-up test to be taken in the test center, the student will schedule their test and communicate to you the date and time.
Download theTest Cover Sheetform and attach it to the front of the test.
Deliver the test with the attached form to the Test Center at least one business day prior to the scheduled test, or as soon as possible.
Tests will need to be picked up at the Test Center by a faculty or staff member and signed for. Please email or a call ahead to make sure that someone is available to help you when you arrive.
Please read before using the Test Center:
Schedule your test as far in advance as possible to ensure you have a seat at the time that you need it.
If you need to cancel a test, please do so as soon as possible.
Make sure you arrive a few minutes before your scheduled testing time, so you can check-in, sharpen pencils, fill your water bottle and use the restroom.
You will be asked to show your Bowdoin Student ID.
In case of lateness, students will only be given the remainder of the allotted time, as indicated on Test Cover Sheet (e.g. if an exam is scheduled for 2:00 to 5:00 pm, and you arrive at 3:30, you still only have until 5:00 p.m. to complete the test).
Please note that unless specifically permitted by the professor/instructor, we do not allow cell phones, graphing calculators, textbooks, notebooks, notes, smartwatches or any electronic devices into the testing areas.
Water bottles are allowed, but no other food or drink is allowed in the Test Center
Test Center Hours:
8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Additional hours during final exams)